Create Custom Game
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How to Play
Game Overview
Can you guess today's movie in 10 tries? After each guess, you'll see how close you were with different indicators:
What We Compare
Release Year
Shows if the movie was released before (⬇️) or after (⬆️) your guess. Exact year gets a 🎯. + or - 5 years gets a 🔸
MPAA Rating
Matches if both movies share the same rating (e.g., PG-13, R, etc.)
Main production country. Partial match if the movies share any production countries
The film's director. Must be exact match - no partial matches for directors
Movie genres. Partial match if movies share any genres, full match if all genres match
Production Company
The main studio. Must be exact match - no partial matches for studios
- Use the year hints (⬆️/⬇️) to narrow down the release period
- Pay attention to partial matches in genres - they can be very helpful!
- Director matches are exact, use them wisely